Thursday, June 21, 2018


What is the best way to get Social Security disability?

You may have heard that since 2008, Social Security has tightened down its rules to make it more difficult to get benefits.  This is correct.  Between 2008 and 2017, the award rate at appeal hearings has dropped from 69 percent to 42 percent.  That a fall of 27 percentage points in 9 years.

So, what's the best way to get disability benefits if you are legitimately disabled?

ANSWER:  Provide evidence from your doctor that will convince a skeptical decision maker that you can't sustain full-time work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks per year.

The younger you are, the more difficult this is to accomplish.  If you are under age 50, Social Security considers you to be a "younger individual."  Denial rates are higher in this age group.  You will need medical evidence to show that you cannot sustain ANY work that exists in the national economy, and this includes low-paying minimum wage jobs, many of which are unskilled and can be performed at the light or sedentary level. In short, your impairment and ability to function in the work environment must be very severe.

More and more, cases that get approved come down to what your doctor says about your ability to function in the workplace. 

Every claimant feels that they are disabled.  However, it doesn't matter how the claimant feels.  It boils down to what the claimant's doctor says. 

So, what's the best way to get disability benefits in 2018?  Get your doctor to provide objective medical evidence of impairments that severely restrict your ability to perform ANY type of work.

It goes without saying that if you are not seeing a doctor regularly, you don't have much of a chance.  Also, if you once saw a doctor for a severe impairment but stopped a few years ago, you don't have much of a chance.  It will be necessary to have current medical evidence and show that you are compliant with treatment. 

Social Security wants to see claimants who are being treated by a qualified doctor, are compliant with recommended care, and are still unable to work.

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