Monday, January 22, 2018


Unfortunately, almost 3 out of 4 Social Security disability claims get denied at the initial application level.  There must be a reason for this high denial rate. 

One of the reasons for denials is an incomplete application.  If you submit an application online, that's just the beginning.  The state agency that will decide your eligibility will mail you 3 or 4 sets of additional forms.  These forms must also be completed and mailed back.  Failure to do so will absolutely harm your chance of approval.  Without your information, Social Security will make a decision based on what they have and this is often a denial.

Inaccurate information is another cause of denial.  A good example is the Function Report, one of those forms that will come in the mail after you file online or in the Social Security office.  The Function Report will ask about your ability to perform routine daily activities. I see questions on this form answered with "OK," or "NA," or just left blank.  This leads decision makers to believe that you have no real limitations in your daily activities, so they assume you are not disabled.

The Work History Report is another example.  Many claimants simply write down the names of all the places they have worked.  Nothing else.  They don't describe the work they did, the wages they earned, how much they lifted on the job, or how much standing and walking they did.  This leaves Social Security free to assume that you performed the job "by the book," that is, by the standards in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.  This is often a problem.

Sometimes, even medical records are not complete.  I have seen claimants omit the names and addresses of doctors who have treated them for years.  Some claimants assume that since Social Security is "the government," they know everything and somehow they can conjure up medical records.  They can't.  They will only order the medical records you tell them about.  If you don't list Dr. Goody on your application, then Dr. Goody's records don't get reviewed.  This may get you denied.  A denial will often take 2 to 3 years to correct in the appeal process.

I could go on and on....  There are so many mistakes that can be made in a Social Security disability application....

Many attorneys tell new claimants, "Go ahead and fill out the application, and call me if you get denied."  While I appreciate that attorneys don't want to spend hours filling out all those forms, I also know that a poorly prepared application is just asking for a denial.  If we accept your case for representation, we will personally sit down with you and help you complete all the required forms.  I think this makes a big difference.  And we don't charge a dime more than the guys who tell you to fill everything out for yourself.

Save time and money (your money)!  Get professional help in preparing our initial SSDI application.  It will not cost you a penny more but may make a big difference.

7027 Old Madison Pike NW - Suite 108
Huntsville, AL 35806
PHONE (256) 799-0297




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