Friday, March 10, 2017


Disabled veterans are among those who are waiting unreasonable periods of time to get a Social Security disability decision.  I try to find ways to cut these wait times when possible.

The best way is to use the VA disability rating.  Veterans with a 100 percent rating are often entitled to expedited processing under the law.  I have often been able to get these claims resolved in 3 or 4 months, compared to the average waiting time of up to 18 months.

There are certain things the claimant's legal representative must do to take advantage of the VA rating.  For one thing, Social Security must be made aware of the 100% VA rating.  Second, the medical evidence must be complete.  Third, a request should be made for expedited handling.  Finally, a representative's brief showing the judge where to find evidence in the medical section can speed things up.

Social Security is a notoriously S-L-O-W process, partly because there are over 1 million claims on appeal and partly because the Congress hasn't provided sufficient funding for its operations.  But when there's an opportunity to press forward, we must seize it and get things done.

Veterans - Contact the Forsythe Firm for Assistance 

1 comment:

  1. During the last year, I was encouraged to find that I could get a veteran with a 100% VA rating through the appeal process and into pay status in less than 6 months. That might not sound "expedited," but it is far better than the average claimant who waits about 18 months just to get a hearing.
