Here are those hard to find telephone numbers for North Alabama Social Security field offices. Please note that all Social Security offices now use toll free numbers which DO ring into the local office shown below.
FLORENCE, AL (855) 884-3407
DECATUR, AL (888) 289-9185 (Serves Athens, also)
HUNTSVILLE, AL (866) 593-0665
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays 9 AM to 3 PM
Wednesdays: 9 AM to 12 Noon
Social Security offices close Saturday and Sunday and for all Federal holidays.
Reaching a Social Security office on the telephone can be difficult. Here are some tips that may help you out:
All calls are now answered automatically by computer. You will be given options.
Option 1 asks you to dial 1 if you want information about health insurance, Obama Care, etc. If you do not, press 2.
The second option asks you to press 1 if you know the extension number you wish to reach. You probably do not, so press 0 for the operator.
You will have to listen to some recorded announcements and music while a Social Security employee finds time to grab the phone. Just hold on and be patient. If you want to try the national helpline number it is 800-772-1213. Average wait time on this number is 15 minutes.
If you need to speak to a disability advocate (someone dedicated to helping you win Social Security disability benefits) please call the Forsythe Firm in Huntsville at (256) 799-0297. No fee unless you win.
This website is NOT sponsored by the Social Security Administration and the Forsythe Firm is not affiliated with the US Social Security Administration.